Saturday, June 10, 2017

A Summer Farewell from the Broidery Bunch

The school year is coming to an end very quickly!  We wanted to say our summer farewells.

If you know a little girl, we have a whole bunch of summer dresses on VarageSale.  You can find us under the user name Jake Kelly.

You can also give a set of napkins or a wine bag to a teacher as an end-of-year gift.  We still have a few in the waiting room.  Drop by any time!

I hope you all have a good summer!

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Curious About VarageSale?

If you saw our last post and you don't have a VarageSale account, here are instructions to sign up.
You type in in the search bar.  Find the region bar and type in what city you live in.  You can choose the community that works best for you.  All you need to sign up is a Facebook account.  If you have a Facebook account already, it will be easier to sign up.  Make sure to check out our Consignment Business under Jake Kelly once you get logged on.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

The Consignment Business

Today we would like to talk about the Consignment Business.  We decided to use the VarageSale website to run our Consignment Business.  You can find us on VarageSale under the name Jake Kelley.  We have a great variety of products like an Apple TV, boots and coats for sale.  We have a picture featuring a product we're trying to sell.  It's a dress coat with beautiful designs.

 We have already made great money selling products on VarageSale.  We have sold snowsuits, PJs and skates.  We have a picture of the skates we sold.  We're trying to get a teapot for Kathleen, who is a tutor at the Bridge to Development Family Centre.  VarageSale is a site that not only sells things but also helps you look for things that you need.