Saturday, November 26, 2016

Our New Business Opportunities

I hope you're all having a good fall.  Now we're back to business and ready to try new opportunities.  We have 2 new opportunities that we are trying.

We have a new business opportunity to sell chocolate cake to a local restaurant.  We tried two different recipes to see which one is the best.  We're waiting to hear back from our client to see which one he prefers.

We're trying out a consignment business.  It sells clothing and winter gear and stuff like that.  We're selling lightly used clothing. You can buy clothing for a female toddler if you have one or know one.  Visit the website at Look for us under the user name Jake Kelly.

We're trying out new business opportunities so our workers will learn new things and widen their perspective on the business world.  We're also doing this to make our workers more autonomous which will benefit the M.A.P. program (Making Autonomy Priority).

We'll be in touch soon with more details to come!

(Samples from our consignment business)